
Wendy CrossTwas so great looking that some guys couldn't get
away from her at par ties, whir h was what gave Don a pretty wim-
py reputation because he never did anything about it when
all the lonely guys at the party went after, her drooling.He
couldn't help it either,but. no. one makes mention of it any
more.,and neither does he.They don't .make a good pair,at
least physically,.because he's pretty ugly,and she's so great
looking. She says he's a great guy, but no one,.in eluding me
seems to understand.To each his own-I guess ..But that's why t
Wendy is unusual, because she's so great looking ..Reggie Wilks
is one of these super atheletes who. does great in every sport.
Besides that,he gets above average grades*I -can't stand him
on any kind of playing field,.but he's really a nice guy other-
wise.There isn't anything bad to say about him,but there cer-
tain tly isn't, any super-great things to talk about either.
Once,he almost destroyed me in a capture the flag game„He
ran right over me.I guess that's because he's six feet tall.
He doesn't have any enemies,and he' s even very likable, so
I like him too,He hangs around with a girl named Susan Mont-
gomery, They* re not going together or anything,but they make
a pretty good show of it,She's just as tall as he is,which
is the only thing they have in common.She's really a nice
girl,The problem is,.she' s ni.ee to everybody,.and no one really appreciates it when she gets: really personal with them when
they talks to them,but forgets about, it later because she
just discusses someone's lifetime la ter,.which is too much
to. remember, so she say s.I used to hand around her too,but
got tired of it because she was such a pain in the- neck.You
can't talk to her because she never stops talking,She's
perfect, for Reggie Wilks,because he never starts talking.
Susan is unusual,because shetakes showers fully clothed in
I have to tell you. about when I met Paula Dixon,who. also
hangs around the rest of us.We' re- not going together,but we
both act like it,.which can be more fun then going together
for real.When. I went to’ a soccer game at the stadium for the
- Author
- mark thomas